Review: Triumph 650 Folding Footrest Set 1964-70

What to expect?
Finding quality parts and rare original parts today is getting very difficult to find. This is exactly why one of our local distributors dedicated money, time, effort and tooling to reproduce the new Triumph folding footrest sets.
For a long time Triumph 650 folding footrests have been extremely difficult to find. Most where only fitted to a small amount of competition models from the Triumph TR6C and the Triumph T120TT.
Whats great about the new Triumph 650 folding footrests is that everything you need to mount the footrests on your frame is already included. Bolts and lock washers make it very simple to install to your frame or switch out your current non-folding footrests.
•Made In Taiwan
•Comes with everything you need to mount to your frame
•High gloss powdercoat paint to ensure a durable finish
•Made on new tooling and replicated off the original Triumph folding footrests
The new Triumph footrests are made in Taiwan believe it or not. If I told you they where made In England or perhaps NOS (new old stock) you would believe me. Don't let the country of origin fool you, Taiwan makes very high quality products and this is without a doubt very high quality.

The benefits
Most of you are probably thinking what are the actual benefits of installing folding footrests on my Triumph? There are actually a couple of key benefits that make the folding footrests a smart choice.
•Using a foldable footrest prevents damage to your primary cover if you where to fall
•Keeps your ankles safe and prevents them from getting jammed unlike the non-foldable footrests.
•No more bent footrests that cost time and money to fix

Our Take
Overall we are very impressed with the quality of the Triumph 650 folding footrests. I personally recommend this product to everyone that has a Triumph 650 from 1964-1970. Every set comes included with a nice durable box and packing - top notch. Purchase your set today by clicking on the link below.
Hi will these fit later 72 t120 frames?
Will these fit a ‘71 OIF A65 (Firebird part no’s 83-2856 & 83-2857)?
Appreciate your advice please.