An Act Of Kindness That Carries On Today
Hello C.B.S. Followers,
This is not about mechanical or electrical solutions but instead, a reminder of the fellowship and assistance offered to friends and strangers. Before the days of cell phones and 7 eleven stores on every corner it was not uncommon to see motorcycles of all makes orphaned on the side of the road waiting for their owners return.
Wilfred sitting aboard a new Matchless 350 - Click on the image above to enlarge
My Father (Wilfred) was returning home late one evening in England in 1934 when he helped a man who had been stopped by plug trouble. My Father produces a spark plug and they exchanged addresses - end of story.
The written letter to Wilfred from the "The Man" - Click on the image above to enlarge
The man did return the plug along with this letter you are about read. I saw it many times growing up and would ask my Father why he kept the letter for so long and his response was "it reminded me of the care free days of motoring around England as a single man, and then with your mother". This was before the shadows of war changed each of their lives
I hope you enjoy a little peek into the past before e-mails and social media, when a letter from the Mail Man was a special event.
When I read this letter it took me to my young age while I was a pinion rider of my father’s Triumph 21 in 1977 .Similar incident happened to us & those days specially most of the few British motor cycle owners were on the Sri Lankan roads who were supporting each other. Unlike today it was a great period with full of love & supporting mentality.
Classic British Spares
Thanks everyone for reading and commenting! – Malcolm
Bob Johnson
I shared this long-ago act of kindness with my Facebook friends. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Bill Wilson
Many thanks for sharing that Malcom. It is refreshing to recall times when people would stop to assist one another. Hopefully, those who read the letter might one day stop to assist a rider in need. Ride Safely. Bill
Steven Peragine
That is a lovely bit of interaction between two motorcycling enthusiasts. In the earlier days of motoring about on your machine. Of course while it is lovely there is the sad mention of the loss of a loved one.