2016 UPS & USPS Holiday Shipping Deadline Schedule
2016 Holiday Shipping Deadlines
With the 2016 year-end quickly winding down and the holiday season here at full swing, please review the 2016 holiday shipping schedule deadline. The shipping date deadline gives you the maximum shipping times in which the carrier can expect to have your package delivered by all major U.S. holiday's . UPS, USPS, and Classic British Spares want to make sure our customers, family, and loved ones get there holiday packages on time! We offer both UPS and USPS shipping on our website. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
2016 UPS Year-End Holiday Schedule
You can download the 2016 Year-End Holiday Schedule by UPS by clicking on the image above.
2016 USPS Holiday Shipping Cut-Off Dates
Above is the 2016 USPS Holiday Shipping Cut-Off Dates. Click the image above for more information by USPS.